This year’s Plastic Free July campaign focuses on small changes each of us can make to reduce plastic waste. Small actions really do make a BIG difference. Every time we refuse to accept a plastic bag, or bring our refill coffee cup, we are driving change. Whichever single-use plastic you pledge to remove, you are having an impact.
Our pledge at COG is that we've signed our community agreement to work towards a plastic free award for our town. We'll keep you fully informed as we go. In the meantime you can make your own pledge.
Here’s how you can sign up:
Sign up to Plastic Free Communities to get your Individual Action Plan for facts, tips and advice on single-use plastic.
Choose your pledge, click and save the logo below
Share your pledge on social media, and don’t forget to tag #Plasticfreecommunities and #surferagainstsewage, and link to this blog. Sharing the message creates waves of change.
Here’s a handy pre-written example:
I ‘m taking a stand against single-use plastic, and pledge to not buy bottled water. Want to make your own plastic pledge for Plastic Free July and beyond? Find out how here ‘link to blog’. #plasticfreecommunities #surfersagainstsewage
Made the pledge already? We would love to hear how you got on! Share your update and tag us in it too.